E.J. Gold holding the Demo and Blues Basics CDs.
Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.
E.J. Gold holding the Demo and Blues Basics CDs.
You always wanted to Jam but never thought you could? You missed the chance to learn an instrument while growing up? It's not too late.
As you may remember from the Music 4 Morons Workshop, breathing and being able to keep the rhythm are the 2 fundamental things you cannot do without. To practice both, ALL YOU NEED is a Harmonica and the CD Music for Morons - Blues Basics.
If you really feel drawn to a particular instrument, go ahead and get it. Otherwise, start with a harmonica. It is great for a number of reasons.
Next thing you'll need is this CD EJ and Oz put together, to which you can play any instrument as well as use your voice. It comes with a list of keys you can play in that are compatible with that particular track.
You can practice timing, rhythm, intonation, phrasing, and so on. And, if you don't breathe right ... you'll run the risk of passing out ....
After much trial and some learning money, both EJ and Robbert, our harmonica players, recommend a harp from Hohner. If you can only afford one, start with a diatonic C harp, special 20.
This is a CD with 17 tracks to make music to.
It comes with a guide as to which keys you can play each track in.
Of course we assume that you already do have some tool that enables you to actually hear the music on the CD, i.e. a CD player of some sort. The picture above also shows the set of Hohner harmonicas including the case.
In case you noticed the second CD, or were wondering how playing a harmonica using that CD might sound, this is a Demo CD.