Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.
"I would get this DVD for the chanting alone -- a wonderful space." -- M.M.N., Core Group
This DVD reveals the essential steps in crafting and charging a wand. E.J. Gold demonstrates this process with his own hands. Because of the chanting during the charging operation, this presentation is rich in atmosphere. One may actually catch a glimpse of the waking state as the wand making unfolds. What an invaluable experience to be able to work on one's own wands simultaneously with and in the presence of Mr. Gold.
Your newly made and charged wands will eventually be used in ritualizing the waking state and can be employed in Afterlife Adventures, Dragon 3D and Wizard 3D Adventures as well. This use of tools in ritual allows one to be better able to tolerate the waking state. In addition, Mr. Gold outlines how to make and use two different wands with two different functions as a way to facilitate self-programming in our own individual orb or universe. So whether you be a Sorc, Druid or other, this is the basic instruction on how to create the wand meant for your type, or character.