Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.

My Friend Pearsall - E.J. Gold - Charcoal on Rives BFK - 1987
Published in The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational Apparatus

Total Immersion Without Identification

Saturday, May 25th 2024 & Sunday May 26th 2024

Instant (mp3) download $(34.95)

Excerpt from Saturday, May 25, 2024 -- 1st Day

Most people, if you ask them what's the most important event in your life, typically they cannot tell you. They don't know where they are now. They don't know where they've been. They don't know where they're going. That's called sleep.

So immersion and sleep are not one in the same thing. Total immersion is not falling into the illusion or being sucked in. It's deliberate.

It's all about participation.... Being immersed is not a measure of being awake or asleep.

High indifference is what John Lilly called it -- high indifference meaning you're indifferent but totally aware of it and acting within it as well. Don't ask: How do you get to experience total immersion? The question to ask is: How do you achieve high indifference? That's the characteristic that makes it worthwhile. That's what makes it work.

You don't have to do anything to be fully immersed. You are fully immersed.... The thing you're trying to do is you're trying to make an unusual effort that exercises an unusual muscle. And exercising that thing could be like trying to be more impartial at the same time as realizing you're fully immersed.

E.J. used the analogy: You are a fish in a tank of water. No matter how big the tank may be, you are a fish in water. What makes you Work effective is to be a fish in water who knows it's a fish in water. It remembers itself.

As the discussion continues E.J. gives a remedy for sleep. He gives an exercise to work with to make a particular effort. E.J. reveals the key to remembering oneself, the importance of habits, what is transformative while you are immersed and identifies the "big enemy". This workshop delivers the tools one needs to know and access in order to transform ordinary life.

A Field Guide To Total Immersion

This ebook was using during the workshop as part of the presentations.