Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.

"Next to the Beacon, The Norton Street Play Script
is the best work tool you can get." -- E.J. Gold

Norton Street Play Script

Higher Consciousness Reality Play by E.J. Gold

NortonStr33t Script Price: $19.99

Two solid hours of unremitting
Waking State.

The script for a theatrical production of Norton Street is now available. I have fully adapted the script as a stage play, with stage directions, lighting, blocking commentaries and pieces of business and fast-paced dialogue and interactions in a single set.

It can be performed royalty-free anywhere -- of course, you're welcome to donate any part of the proceeds if you wish.

One set does it all. 4 characters -- Bornless One, Mike, Crystal and Audrey.

This script has been a long time in coming -- I've been working on it for the past 35 years on and off, and finally have it where I want it for stage production.

This is a blockbuster for groups, and could bring people together into a functioning study group with a lot to handle. Public performance is not necessary for the effect, but it helps, and can build your study group very rapidly.

screenshot of Norton Str33t set

The Norton Str33t Set

Placement of Beacons and other Beta-Blockers can make this a powerful tool for transformation. Diagrams and photos help you understand the ideal stage placements for these items, along with the magical props, costumes and other props you'll need for a public performance venue.

I have a selection of props, costumes and magical effects that are called for in the script -- order now, while supplies last. Contact me for details. Some set-building is required to make this 100% effective

The script for a theatrical production of Norton Street is now available. I have fully adapted the script as a stage play, with stage directions, lighting, blocking commentaries and pieces of business and fast-paced dialogue and interactions in a single set.

Click here for Norton Str33t DVD