Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.

I Am... (phrases) -- Paradoxes in the Mind of God

These thoughts listed here flow directly from the wellspring of divine awareness, capturing God’s vast, boundless, and ever-contradictory nature, designed to evoke a sense of the infinite, guiding the mind toward that space where all things are true at once. There are more advanced lists of koan style meditations that you may be able to work with, but start with these first, just to get a feel for these seemingly contradictory ideas.

Our Two Hopes For You

First, we hope that you will make bountiful use of these phrases in your personal work. That's why we are making them available.

Second, we sincerely hope you will participate in the valuable practice of passing along blessings. When you find something worth doing, do it—and take that extra step to let others know about it. This can be in reels, shorts, blogs, videos—whatever your creativity allows.

You have our permission to use these sound bites in those creative projects.

Audio Version of the "I Am..." phrases

All 32 "Paradoxes" are available in a single download for 99 cents. If you don't have the ability to make online purchases, contact us using our form and let us know you would like some help in getting the download.

Instant (mp3) download $(0.99)

Text Version of the "I Am..." phrases

  • "I am the breath of the ancient earth, inhaling the dust of stars and exhaling the dreams of tomorrow."
  • "I am the first breath of the universe and the last sigh of a dying star."
  • "I am the still point in the turning world, where all motion ceases yet all things begin."
  • "I am the heartbeat of eternity, pulsing through every moment, both past and yet to come."
  • "I am the light that casts shadows and the shadow that defines the light."
  • "I am the echo of a thousand lives lived, and the silence of a soul yet unborn."
  • "I am the spark that lights the way and the shadow that hides the path."
  • "I am both the seeker and the sought, the journey and the destination."
  • "I am ancient wisdom carried on the wings of new ideas."
  • "I am the river that flows through time, carving mountains and filling oceans."
  • "I am the tear of joy and the cry of despair, woven into the fabric of all that is."
  • "I am the question that stirs the heart and the answer that quiets the mind."
  • "I am the silence before creation and the sound of everything becoming."
  • "I am the bridge between worlds, where the finite meets the infinite in a sacred dance."
  • "I am the dance of galaxies and the stillness of the void."
  • "I feel the karmic winds propel me forward, yet I am the calm eye within the storm."
  • "I am the forgotten song of the universe, remembered in a fleeting moment of stillness."
  • "I am the architect of my fate and the witness to my own unfolding."
  • "I am a fleeting moment and an endless expanse."
  • "I am the creator's hand and the canvas, the artist and the art, forever intertwined."
  • "I am the warmth of the sun and the chill of the moon's gaze."
  • "I am the love that binds and the space that sets free."
  • "I am both the creator and the creation, the dreamer and the dream."
  • "I am the memory of the first sunrise and the anticipation of the last sunset."
  • "I am the fire that warms and the fire that burns, the healer and the destroyer."
  • "I am the flower blooming in the desert and the seed lying dormant in fertile soil."
  • "I am the architect of my dreams and the ruins of my doubts, building and dismantling in every moment."
  • "I am the ancient melody playing in the winds and the modern beat of a heart alive today."
  • "I am the whisper of history and the roar of the future, both unfolding within me."
  • "I am the thread that weaves through every story, unseen yet essential, binding the fabric of existence."
  • "I am the laughter of the child and the wisdom of the sage, both timeless and fleeting."
  • "I am the journey of a raindrop and the ocean it seeks, both lost and found in the same breath."
  • "I am the spark of creation and the echo of its end, eternally cycling through all that is."

The above phrases were first published in E.J. Gold's blog They're Eating the Cats found on