Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.
The Contained Form creates light & shadow games over its surface.
This project responds very powerfully and richly to small, intense lighting effects such as LED clusters.
Start by gluing a rock to the hardwood base, then building upward and outward from there, always noting that the balance remains perfect every step along the way.
Leaving the rock texture natural is best, and you can combine the colorations of the rocks as you wish. There is no "right" way to do this project. It all works, it's all good.
Sign the hardwood base on the underside, unless you want the signature to appear, in which case, sign it on top of the wood, or on the rounded side. Be sure to add a number and keep it relative to the total in the edition, such as 45/300, if you plan to make 300 of them - remember that you can't just add numbers to another edition - it has to be unique, so I'd make the second edition a run of let's say 500 or 1000, if you think you have a market that will support those numbers.