Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.
A brilliant and colorful journey through BardoTownTM, the HO Scale tabletop layout built by E.J. Gold during the years 1992-1997, and photographed by him at that time. BardoTownTM is the result of over three decades of planning and dedication by a team of psychic scientists and creative engineers. The scale model project measured at finish 54 feet by 75 feet. E.J. Gold took thousands of photos to illustrate the effects of BardoTownTM upon the visitor.
PGL Part I will be used in conjunction with G.O.D.D. gaming levels and the interactive bardo training that E.J. Gold is designing. Your CD-Rom can be invoked during gameplay for a variety of interesting reasons, so your CD-Rom will have at least one additional use besides the sheer thrill (of is it the shock of recognition?) of viewing these Bardo scenes in full, vivid color and with accompanying sound.
This CD-Rom is the first installment of Volume 3 in E.J. Gold's Labyrinth Trilogy. The first two (book) titles are The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational Apparatus and Life in the Labyrinth.
"Contents Under Extreme Pressure, Use Caution When Digging Infinity."