Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.

June, 2024 Bardo Buzz (06-06)

A Friend of Silence - E.J. Gold - Charcoal on Rives BFK, May, 1987 Published in The Human Biological Machine as A Transformational Apparatus

I Sit In Stillness

Barbara Haynes

When I first settle, the world is filled with sounds—the chirping and singing of birds at dawn, dogs barking in the yard, the rushing whisper of a car on the distant highway. As I continue to listen, these sounds begin to fall away, like leaves gently drifting from a tree. What remains are the subtler sounds beneath—the gentle whisper of the wind, the soft pattering of rain on the roof.

With patience and practice, I have discovered that even these sounds recede, revealing deeper layers of silence. This silence is not an absence but a presence, a rich tapestry woven with the quiet rhythms of life. Eventually, I find myself attuned to the most intimate sound of all: my heartbeat, the pulsing reminder of life within.

In this profound silence, I discover a space of pure presence and connection. It is here that I touch the infinite, where thoughts fade, and a deep sense of peace and clarity arises. This silence is a sanctuary, a place of renewal and reflection, where I reconnect with my own deep essence and the universe.

Over the years of embracing silence, I have learned to open to the journey inward, peeling away the layers of noise that obscure my inner world. It is in this stillness that I find the essence of my being. May we all find the courage to embrace the silence within, to listen deeply, and to discover the profound peace that lies beneath the surface.

Musings of a Labyrinth Reader


Marvette Kort

Sitting with the Godd Cube in the Godd Particle every day since March for 5 – 10 minutes is based on basically “a rumor” I heard from someone, who had heard it and then did it. Now I am spreading the rumor – sitting with the Godd Cube is a good thing to do. I invite all those who have access to going into the virtual world of the Godd Particle to take advantage of this work tool.

Being in the presence of the Godd Cube as a daily practice, fortifies my remembering to and my ability to invoke my presence into the present moment. I have observed over these last 3 months that this practice is assisting me to convert time that I spend under my machine's domination to time I feel alive and present, especially while performing routine tasks.

For me, the energy I perceive emanating from the Godd Cube is like “drinking mana” in the two video games D-2 and D-2R. In both games, one's avatar drinks the mana which acts as a catalyst to provide the necessary force to perform it's magical skills. It's a refined higher food that I can sense if I collect my attention and enter the Godd Cube chamber.

I realize that I have become accustomed to consuming it every day for my work efforts aimed at being of service. It also appears to be a creative force inspiring me in numerous areas from designing attention building exercises for myself to stretching my comfort zone for creative problem solving.

I also suspect that the Godd Cube is the source that makes the Godd Particle an amulet and talisman of power. And in my experience, just wearing a Godd Particle opens access to intuition as I walk the spiritual path before me.

The opportunity to see and experience this virtual world is available to anyone interested and able to attend a Zoom meeting. Approximately once per month a group assembles in a Zoom meeting entitled “Beyond the Sim …..” If you receive Institute emails from Prosperity Path, there's an email sent out several days before to announce the upcoming Saturday morning event. Or for the Zoom codes for the meeting, check the IDHHB weekly schedule of events in an email with the subject line “Keep Your Work Life Active”. The next Beyond the Sim meeting is scheduled for Saturday, June 29th.

During the meeting, different people act as a guide while sharing their screen as they explore the Godd Particle. This is an effective way to get experience in this virtual world especially for those who do not have a computer or have a Mac platform operating system on their computer.

However, there are many who don't care to go into the virtual world. They prefer to carry it's protection and power on their person.

To obtain a Godd Particle, see:


Christiane Wolters

Hello, another short one. In a few days I will finish with the social media quote postings of The Hidden Work.

You can see them on Pinterest here:

Have a beautiful meaningful June.


Jewel McInroy

The only way you could fear something outside is to have that thing inside you. There’s no other way. If it isn’t inside you, it can’t affect you outside. -E.J. GOLD


Michele Marie & Lexi Anna

In the heart of the ancient grove,
Where beams of sunlight softly rove,
A path unwinds, serene and true,
Inviting all to journey through.

Oh, sacred way, beneath the trees,
Where whispered wisdom rides the breeze,
With every step, we gently tread,
Into the light, where we are led.

Grant us the grace of mindful stride,
In nature's arms, with hearts open wide.
With every breath, let peace unfold,
In this green haven, timeless and old.

Through moss and fern, where wildflowers bloom,
We find the stillness, dispel the gloom.
In every leaf and petal fair,
We sense the presence, feel the care.

Teach us the dance of morning’s light,
In this forest, pure and bright.
With every turn, a secret shown,
A deeper truth, a seed sown.

In the quiet of the woodland’s song,
We find the place where we belong.
With gentle steps, both sure and slow,
We walk the path, we come to know.

May we embrace this journey clear,
With courage, love, and without fear.
In every step, a prayer, a plea,
To live with presence, to simply be.

Oh, source of life, our guide, our friend,
In this sacred grove, where paths ascend.
Through daily habits, let us find,
Peace and joy within the mind.

As dusk descends, and shadows play,
We rest in nature’s soft array.
With gratitude, we close our day,
In this sacred grove, we softly lay.

Thus, in this ancient dance we move,
In rhythm with the heavens above.
With hearts aligned to nature’s song,
We walk the path, where we belong.


Brigitte A. Donvez

Over the years, I have been talking to many people about EJ's books, art, orbs, music, perfumes, etc. Not necessarily trying to sell anything, but to talk. Just to familiarize them with the name, or the product. I must say that I was somewhat dismayed by the lack of reaction.

More recently, in the last 10 years or so, because I am aging, and my co-workers or friends are too, many had to face the death of a loved one, a family member or a friend. Depending on the way they talked to me about death, I would mention the American Book of the Dead in a non-committal sort of way.

I would say something like: We feel at a loss, we don't really know what to do when someone close dies. What I am doing is a 49-day reading from the Book of the Dead. I feel that I am accompanying the person, so to speak, for 49 days, and after that I usually feel more ready to let them go. In any case, it really helps with the feeling of powerlessness.

Then, depending, I would send the details of the book by email: By the way, this is the book I talked to you about. Hope it can help. Very few bought the book, and I believe none did a reading.

Recently, my brother died. When he was diagnosed with cancer (glioblastoma IV -- chances of survival: 1 year at 55), I told him to find a healer. He did. The healer "gave" him another 4.5 years to live and to prepare for death, through distance healing. She also helps my husband who had a major burn-out. That is why I started conversing with her on the phone about all kinds of subjects. I also sent her some books.

I told her I was reading the Book of the Dead for my brother. And one day I asked her: I know you don't have time to read. But if it's OK with you, I could send you the book, because you meet so many people who might need it. If you think it is appropriate, you could talk to them about the book, hopefully it could help them.

She answered: Yes. It would be a pleasure to get this book. I actually want to read it myself. Here we are in a catholic country (France) and we don't have much access to these ideas. I am very interested to find out about them.

It was a shock to me, a miracle so to speak, after so much indifference for so many years. When you want to help, you don't think in terms of failure or success. But her "yes" definitely sent a ray of sunshine on my day and in my heart.