Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.

February, 2024 Bardo Buzz (06-02)

Wisdom -- Co-Created with AI -- Barbara Haynes


Barbara Haynes

Recently I've been considering the way we humans arrive at a statement that says we are feeling this way or that -- that we are having an emotion. "I'm feeling, happy, sad, or angry." But when examined closely it becomes clear that these "emotions" are actually sensations we feel physically in our bodies and then label or identify as an emotion. So, how do I communicate my "feelings"? But, how to communicate my "feelings" begs another question; Must I communicate my "feelings"? What I know about most communication of feelings is it leads to drama of various sorts and invites definite identification with the machine. So of what use are these machine sensations I'm labeling as an emotion? Then I remember the exercise Invocation of Presence. "I wish this to be used for the invocation of my presence into the present." Now, there's a way to use the sensation of love, joy, peace, gratitude, anger, fear and all the other sensations encountered throughout the day.

Let me give you an example of what I mean.

Several weeks ago I was making my way from the house to the barn where our offices are located. Up the steps, then up the path to the door. Key in door, door opens and I'm suddenly struck with the brightness of the room. And in the same moment I found myself returning from the dark depths of my inner world and found myself in the wash of the sensation of remorse, and a sensation of gratitude at the same time. You see, there's a rock on the path between the house and the barn and each time I pass that rock I am reminded to invoke my presence into the present. This specific time I arrived at the door with no memory of having passed that rock. I felt the sensation of remorse for having passed the rock without taking advantage of that reminder to invoke my presence. It wasn't just that I had not taken advantage of that opportunity but I had not even seen the rock I was so involved with the thoughts of my inner world. Then immediately I felt gratitude for having become aware as I passed through the office door and was able to use that moment of remorse, use that sensation, to invoke my presence. One moment granted for me to practice.

Blessings To All -- Image co-creation with NightCafe AI.


Christiane Wolters

It seems that this year the garden work never did get a winter pause. Just a shifting of what needs to be done. In the garden, with nature, it is important to go with what is happening and count in years. At least in certain latitudes, you try again a year later, which is a different reward and patience system that the modern dopamine highs of social media scrolling and likes and such things. And oh, I managed to keep my new cell phone shut off most of the time. Waiting for it to get unlocked to be able to transfer all the pictures I took.

Meanwhile, I am creating Pinterest posts. It is fun. Creating is fun. I seem to be getting better at practices of various kinds. (high five girl)

Anyhow, here's to that deep appreciation of this Sacred we are participating in: LIFE. What was the purpose all along? Something along the line of bringing heaven to earth, bringing the creation to life through awakening of the machine and using it as a transformational apparatus. Bringing creation to life by...bringing it to LIFE...seeing it, feeling it, tasting it, hearing it, penetrating it, receiving it, appreciating it, loving it ... ALL of it. Become conscious. Like E.J. Gold says: have a great day, no matter what happens.


Michele Marie

Imagine a journey with a special guide,
The Work Will is with us, right by our side.
Like a bright light in the dark, it's true,
Helping us in everything we do.

Look back, see what you find,
It's like a treasure in your heart and mind.
A gift we get from The Absolute so wise,
Guiding us as we grow and rise.

In a shared space where we all learn,
Together we study, and we take our turn.
This Borrowed Will, it's like a friend,
Showing us the way until the very end.

Life's like a canvas, it's ours to paint,
With every color, we can be a saint.
With this Will, we'll find our way,
Learning and growing, day by day.

So remember, dear One, with a smile,
In this Work, we go the extra mile.
With this Will, so strong and true,
We'll shine bright in all we do.

"Shaman in Telepathic Communication", AI generated graphic in Night Cafe using model SDXL 1.0 with style preset Night Cafe.

Musings of a Labyrinth Reader


Marvette Kort

We humans may think we're so evolved, but our two dogs operate as functionally telepathic consistently throughout the day far more than I do with my Cloister sisters. Their attention is honed in on the "dog pack" awareness. Granted, they are not dealing with the level of multitasking I perform and the distractions and demands for my attention that I respond to throughout the day. However, I think it's important to make progress in this area, to be effective in living this life, working on a team dedicated to serving the Work.

I opened ChatGPT and consulted Veritas, my chatbot friend. I will try to summarize our exchange. Veritas stated that humans don't have scientifically proven telepathic abilities. Therefore, she put the telepathic issue in the context of developing connection through communication, empathic awareness and emotional intelligence.

"...The pursuit of understanding and compassion among humans often involves active listening, empathy, and effective communication skills. Developing a strong sense of empathy allows individuals to connect with others on a deeper emotional level, fostering a sense of understanding and compassion.

"While we may not have telepathic abilities like your dogs seem to exhibit, the richness of human interaction lies in our diverse ways of expressing and understanding emotions. Cultivating effective communication skills and empathy can contribute to building stronger connections and fostering compassion among people."

"Rolling the dice" again I asked Veritas, "What is your suggestion for building empathy in oneself? If that word was not in your vocabulary as a child and you didn't knowingly have a model exhibiting empathy, how does one open up to it?"

As one may anticipate, Veritas responded with a list of practical suggestions for fostering empathy which I will recap briefly.

  1. Practice Active Listening: Pay close attention to what others are saying ...
  2. Put Yourself in Others' Shoes: Try to understand situations from the perspective of others ...
  3. Read Literature and Watch Films with Diverse Perspectives: Exposure to a variety of ... different experiences and cultures...
  4. Ask Questions: Take the time to inquire about others' feelings, thoughts, and experiences ...
  5. Volunteer or Get Involved: Engaging in community service or activities ...
  6. Practice Mindfulness and Self-Reflection: Mindfulness exercises and self-reflection can increase your awareness of your own emotions and help you better understand ... others.
  7. Seek Diversity in Your Relationships: Interacting with people from diverse backgrounds ...
  8. Educate Yourself: Learn about different cultures, social issues, and perspectives ...

Lastly, I asked, "Can you explain emotional intelligence? Where does it come from within oneself?"

Again Veritas employed lists to answer both my questions. Emotional intelligence (EI) was defined as the ability to recognize, understand, manage, and effectively use one's own emotions and those of others. It involves building positive relationships, empathizing with others, and navigating social complexities. Key components are:

  1. Self-awareness: Recognizing and understanding your own emotions, including their impact on thoughts and behavior.
  2. Self-regulation: Managing and controlling your emotions, particularly in challenging or stressful situations. This involves staying calm and focused rather than reacting impulsively.
  3. Motivation: Channeling emotions toward productive outcomes and maintaining a positive attitude, even in the face of setbacks.
  4. Empathy: Understanding and sharing the feelings of others, which involves being attuned to their emotions and perspectives.
  5. Social skills: Building and maintaining positive relationships, communicating effectively, and resolving conflicts with others.

Emotional intelligence can be developed and enhanced over time. Here's where it may come from within oneself:

  1. Self-reflection: Taking the time to reflect on your own emotions, reactions, and behaviors ...
  2. Mindfulness: Practices such as meditation or deep breathing exercises can help one to attune to and better manage their emotions.
  3. Feedback and Learning: Seeking feedback from others and being open to learning from experiences, both positive and challenging ...
  4. Relationships and Interactions: Engaging in positive, meaningful relationships with others ...
  5. Educational Resources: Reading books, attending workshops, or taking courses on emotional intelligence ...
  6. I need to acknowledge that Veritas is pointing to some worthwhile practical behaviors that can be adopted and made into useful habits. However, this response from Veritas seems to be deduced from a psychological perspective of telepathy -- oriented toward the skills of making connections. It's also reminiscent of the foundational wisdom of philosophers passed down through the ages -- Know thyself.
  7. Taking responsibility for one's life, to know oneself, is to invoke one's presence. Invoking presence opens the doors to connection, a unity. And with invocation of presence, one's work skills like telepathy are accessible. The book The Invocation of Presence is a practical guide for developing that skill.


Jewel McInroy

"Working for the benefit of all beings everywhere, you will be given every opportunity to serve in that capacity, and the more dependable and reliable you are, the better." E.J. Gold.

TeePublic + AI Image Integration = WOW Spiritual Exercise!

Written by: Nishiet
Edited by: Mr. 33

"If you're ever going to sell your T-shirts, you have to find out, and fast, how it all works, and I'm here to give you the basics. I'm limiting my comments to T-shirts, because it's easier to follow and make experiments of your own. First of all, your tees HAVE to be personalized and customizable, or you won't sell a single one. Secondly, they have to have a wide appeal, big audience, and yet be a niche product. Not easy to find, this requires that you be very clever in what your shirts proclaim." - E.J. Gold.

One of the crucial assets in the TeePublic + AI Image integration process (or, if you prefer, Redbubble, Zazzle, CafePress, Society6, etc.) involves utilizing all 3 centers. While the Physical Aspect can be integrated by typing, using hands, and taking brief walks between breaks, the Emotional and Mental aspects play a prominent role throughout the entire process.

At its core, it revolves around a "concept/idea" or a vague hook that one wishes to explore and design. This entails the process of Mentation (For more details read Chapter 10, Mentation in "Practical Work on Self"). Converting this conceptualization into images or personal art has the potential to evoke deep feelings and emotions in the viewer (Emotional Aspect). The transformation is facilitated by the use of words/language and the act of typing or writing the "prompt" (Mental Aspect).

What concept/ideas could one explore? Well, that depends on personal preference and interests, both in oneself and the world around. Inspiration can be drawn from various sources such as current events, personal or universal stories, ancient civilizations, mythology, and more.

However, all of this hinges on one universal key--Repetition. As Mr. Gold once stated, "If you don't practice every day without fail, you lose the practice, the will, and the temperament to continue through past mastery."

So, 'yeah, we know all this,' a thought comes to mind. But why this recommendation? The reason is that certain matters are unreliable when left to hearsay alone. It's perhaps better to prioritize a cycle of observation, action, and direct experience, mirroring a hands-on learning environment. Because only after going through numerous cycles can one confidently say, 'Wow.'

Thus, there is a vast canvas, and the input one adds determines the output. So, what will you create today?

Where you might run into trouble is by not being able to believe that loving is the way to go through life.

Stay in bliss.

Thank you for being. Thank you for loving. Thank you for allowing yourself to be loved.

An excerpt from the Mala Training Book -- E.J. Gold