Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.

September, 2022 Bardo Buzz (04-09)


Christiane Wolters

It is a newsletter, so what's new here at the Ashram? It has been busy which means lots of opportunities for practicing all kinds of skills. One's transformation becomes apparent (or not) when under stress. But that is not exactly news. For the last 5 days we have been fostering a new dog. He was a stray who was at the local shelter. This is a bit of extra work, but also fun to get to know him. Not sure any visitors would be able to pass by him into the barn though.

I didn't get around to composing what my special offering is going to be for the larger community and so that will unfortunately have to wait till October. It was to benefit the garden fund. I do have something for those missing sitting in the Ashram cafe, waiting for dinner. It is a short video, posted on facebook in the Prosperity Path Forum group. Link below. Hope you enjoy, with greetings from E.J.

Have a blessed month


Barbara Haynes

I'm seventy-two years old and sometimes find myself wondering if I have wasted too much of my time with the things of ordinary life – not focused enough on working on myself, preparing for the inevitable.

The other day I was reading Talk of the Month #2 entitled “Daily Deadline”. As I read through the talk, I came to the section where E.J. speaks about wasting our time and I was struck with how succinct his instructions are.

“For now, try to waste a little less time each day, until your whole day is consumed. Eat your day. The real eucharist is your life.”

It fills me with gratitude for the opportunity offered to me every day. The opportunity to “Eat my day” - to use my ordinary life to remember, observe and sense my presence.

Screenshot from Norton Street in the Godd Particle.

Musings of a Labyrinth Reader

“My Evening Chat with the Lord”

Marvette Kort

No roots, you say.
Lift up your skirts and keep moving.
The universe is alive – pulsing, vibrating energy.
Life is in motion, the constant is change.
Drop into a temporary identity.
Allow the overload of impressions – the dazzling lights, chaotic sights and sounds, the pungent smells, intense sensations, contradicting feelings, racing thoughts – the overall disorienting stimulation.
Do the job with integrity as a being.
Pop out cleanly and merge with the Void.
Repeat cycle as needed.
It's a simple plan, really.


Jewel McInroy

“You are an Experiencer, planted right smack dab in the Middle of Creation.

Your basic job is to be the eyes, ears, nose and throat of God, sort of an Avatar through which your particular viewpoint of Creation and the events within the Timeline can be seen and recorded.”

E.J. Gold, #361 from Sounds of the Inner Golden Opera, Nishit Gajjar

Extra Bit




Michele Marie


"There are these two young fish swimming along, and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says, ‘Morning, boys. How’s the water?’ The young fish swim on for a bit before one finally asks the other what 'water' is.” Like the fish, many of us live our lives swimming through a world permeated with habits without even realizing it.

"Nothing that happens to you in life will change as long as you remain the same. That life remains the same. The only change possible is who you are. You cannot change what happens to you, you can only change who you are, the only thing you think is unchangeable. 'Religions will tell you that you are the unchangeable and everything else changes, but that's complete upside down garbage. The world is absolutely frozen; completely immovable. Nothing in the world can change. That's why you mustn't mess with politics, or try to change the world. The world will not change. The only variable in the equation is you yourself.' You haven't found yourself yet, so you don't know what to change. All you have found is the primate and the life which, at the moment, delineates and defines your identity. How you live, what you live and what you do, defines your identity. You can't change your identity by changing your life, as you found out, but you can change your life by changing your identity. But first you must find out what makes your identity before you can change it. There's the primate view, and there's the view that can change. The primate view will never change, the primate won't change.'

KICKING THE BANANA HABIT IDHHB talk of the month #58

"When we apply the teaching with the Work ideas, our whole perspective changes, our way to perceive things changes, as we are practicing to be an observer of the machine, neutral and impartial.

"There is a change of attitude in a way we are looking at things and perceiving everything around us. At the same time, nothing changes. Nothing at all. None of the external things change, but our perspective, approach and attitude to these things changes. What changes is our motivation behind why we do and our objective, it is how we look at and approach things."


by E.J. Gold

-- Excerpt by Tabatha Jones

"Enlightenment -- you finally realize you're enlightened. So you have a conscience, you care about others, you realize their suffering, you feel

their suffering, you empathize with their suffering. In addition, you know they're always yearning. They're yearning for connection with the Absolute. They want to be connected to God. They want to be connected to the angels. They want to be connected to the higher. They don't do anything for it, but they want to be. And you are there doing nothing to them or with them or anything, just walking among them, and as you do, as you pass, they have a momentary passage through that higher, and those who are potentially changed ones will respond to your presence. They'll respond to you and thank you for being there, because you're nudging them in the right direction, up.

"So you're in a position to help now. That's only the first step. As you purify and as you ascend higher and higher, you start seeing the ascended masters and they're living here amongst you. They're not in some strange, weird, spiritual Paradise. They're right here and you can see them if you have the eyes to see them. If you have eyes to see, you can see. If you have ears to hear, you can hear. If you don't have those things, well, start developing them, and the simplest way to do that, the easiest way to do it, the most efficient way to do it is to purify and elevate . . . simple enough. How do you do those things? Well, you can't just wish to do those things and have any effect. Wishing doesn't do it. Imagining doesn't do it that well, although it helps you kind of get ready to do it. Sitting and hoping, sitting and praying ... praying sometimes helps to prepare the way, but you actually have to take action.

"You see, it's all set up so that you don't accidentally stumble into a higher consciousness, or stumble into a higher identity, or to a higher state of being. It's set up in such a way that there are keys and locks and very, very specific things. There are actions you have to take. If you want to open a portal on this planet to any other dimension -- actually it's a ritual -- you have to go through this and this and this and this, and all of those conditions having been met, now the portal opens up.

"You can think of a ritual and any shaman will agree with this. A ritual is nothing more than the numbers on a combination lock -- the numbers and the direction. You need to learn the combination and then you need to actually make the combination work. You have to find that right thing. It's not hard, but you have to take action.

"The more off guard you get, the more often quantum events will happen. The more often you'll experience what are called "true coincidences," things that are happening in alignment with each other. They're happening to you in your life because your life is a Work life. It all works to keep you inside that Work channel, on that Work path."

Newton by William Blake, 1795, via Tate Gallery, London

[NOTE: This poem arrived when the Prosperity Poets read a capsule biography and a few sample writings of English poet William Blake (1757-1827).]

Letter to William Blake

It has come to my attention Mr. Blake that
you were buried in the London paupers’ cemetery
I suppose with little pomp or circumstance
little notice from the intelligentsia or scholars
of that day

I am so grateful that you survived that pauper’s life
for seventy years, an astonishing lifespan in the 1700s
and you created so much beauty and wisdom in
your art and your writings

There is a Biblical saying that
“Your young men will see visions
and your old men will dream dreams”—
and you have embodied all of that
in a lifetime of eccentric unique work

I will say Mr. Blake that if I could write and paint
with a vision anything like yours I would happily die
hungry and cold alone and scorned but
honored and treasured among just
a small circle of faithful friends and collaborators….

I would be happy to be able to say to myself:
I have made my art like no one else’s art and
I have made it freely available to the people of the future
like a cold fresh spring (running through every
zone of desolation and dark lands)
sourced in the old old Garden of Eden….

—Iven Lourie AKA Agenbite


Nishiet Gajjar

"It’s hard to bring yourself to believe that the body is going to die, isn’t it? But if you can, you’ll stop wasting your time being impressed with all the things that are going to die with it on that day. This clarity about the life and death of the machine - and the futility of ordinary existence, that is, life without the Work - can be a great cure for intellectual, emotional, material or spiritual hungry ghost disease." - E.J. Gold.

From Sounds of the Inner Golden Opera