Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.
"You know that your human body is going to die sooner or later, and I have mentioned before that I have a 600-year work project which I am required to fulfill, but obviously I can't complete my work during the lifespan of a human body, so I'm forced to develop a certain type of higher body, which will function for at least that period of time, maybe longer. After that, when that job is done, I will develop another one.
"So after a 600-year work structure, where I have very carefully built up a higher-dimensional body for that particular job, that higher body dies. It only has a limited life; everything does. No matter how long that life may be, it definitely has its limits. When it dies, I'm left with three heart containers, standing somewhere near a wooden sword (pertaining to gaming).
"So I'm not awfully concerned about having something last forever, but I am concerned about having something last a good length of time, something that's usable, not just something that survives. Survival itself is not enough. It's not enough just to get by.
"My concern is that you're going to be hung up in the administration of the community -- and I mean by that everything from publishing to promotion of art auctions -- to the exclusion of real work. Of course I'm always concerned about things like that. I don't want you to lose sight of the real goal. The administrative work is only a vehicle to get you to the real goal, and the goal is the path. There is no end product, the path is the goal. There is nothing to achieve at the very end of anything. You don't have a final goal. The Work is a way of life. It isn't an end-purpose activity. It doesn't have an ultimate goal, an ultimate purpose. It has its own purpose and forms its own path.
"On the highest level there must be a complete merging, a complete effortless integration of all the members, where there is no barrier whatever between them, including barriers of thought, feeling, sensing, life-purpose, and so on. In other words, the ultimate in the social ideal would be a complete integration of all members of society. That can't be. But in a macrodimensional being, it must be true that the whole is composed of fully integrated parts, devoid of conflict between themselves.
"You can't form a perfect or near perfect bond unless you have solved a lot of your internal problems, but at the same time, you don't work with yourself. You see, if your solution is to work on yourself, as many of today's life-purpose schools and groups encourage, you integrate yourself, actually, you don't necessarily fully integrate. What you tend to do is to put yourself in alignment with social pressures, cultural pressures, business, economic pressures, peer pressures and workshop pressures. What I'm talking about is a total integration of a group to the extent that your nervous systems are grown together, fused.
"You're going to be under observation to see whether you can re-achieve this and for how long, and in what way, to what degree, to what levels, and so on. There are at least half a dozen different macromorphologies being constructed at the present time within our community. The extent of the morphological integration clearly is the degree of unity. I mean the degree of unity between the parts.
"As the whole macromorphology is brought into integration, the individual is also brought into integration automatically. That's why you mustn't work on yourself directly. You work on something greater, because it brings you into alignment as you work on it. You don't work on yourself, you work on your macromorphology. Bring yourself into alignment, and unity, with the macromorphology of which you will be a functioning part.
"You have all kinds of lower primate reactions which eventually get expunged through many, many passages through the bardos. That's what the bardos are designed to cleanse. The cleansing radiations eventually wear down those reactions. It takes a long time until you finally cannot die -- but pass freely from this world. Your passage is blocked by those reactions, which deny you the ability to expand beyond your present horizon.
"I don't mind a shortened lifespan, if through that shortened lifespan I have a good chance -- not a guarantee, but a good chance -- to produce a macromorphology that's of some use in the work. My point of view is that a long life is nowhere near as valuable as a work success."
There have been some amazing things happening here the last few weeks. Nadija, one of our community members from Canada, discovered kunstmatrix, a great new website for art and artifact exhibits. She shared her discovery with EJ. When he saw kunstmatrix, he immediately began putting up exhibits. Each morning at the Gorby's Place meeting on Zoom, E.J. has been sharing his most recent exhibit. Not only does he share his exhibits, but he has been teaching those in attendance how to make an exhibit in their own kunstmatrix exhibit space. You can view the sharing of the exhibits and instructions on the Gorby's Place archives on Livestream.
He started with an exhibit of the Jazz Art pieces that have hung at Jazz performances over many years. Unless you were fortunate enough to be in attendance at one of the Jazz Art events, this is the first time you will be seeing these magnificent works of art.
He put up his exhibit of Mixed Media pieces and works on paper.
There's the tour of the Third Bardo.
He used three of the exhibits to demonstrate how we could put up a kunstmatrix exhibit to link to various sales sites such as Zazzle, eBay and RedBubble.
There are also several exhibit / showrooms that present items available for the Prosperity Path Virtual Ashram on Second Life.
During the morning meetings E.J. not only gave instruction on kunstmatrix, but also on how to set up your shop on Zazzle so you can link your kunstmatrix exhibit to your own sales space on Zazzle. He started at the beginning with image production and moved all the way through getting your item up on Zazzle, and then how to link to the Zazzle shop through the kunstmatrix exhibit.
Among all these amazing exhibits is a most amazing exhibit showcasing what IDHHB offers to those who are living or would like to live a spiritual life.
Even those of us who have been involved with IDHHB for many, many years were astonished to see all the ways in which folks can be involved with the community - the different lines of work E.J. has presented.
There's a separate exhibit covering just the Movements.
Being the compassionate guide he is, E.J. also created a blessing room.
And there's an exhibit of African Masks. Only those who were lucky enough to visit the Ashram before COVID have seen these masks. Now they are available to see and to purchase.
As I said at the beginning of this article, there have been some amazing things happening in the last few weeks. And they continue to happen in the kunstmatrix exhibit space.
You can see a complete list of exhibits and visit the new ones at
Be sure to check back often.
Cover for the DVDs of the Gold Fever Workshop in 2015. The barn was transformed into “gold panning central” and the spiral machine was assembled on the stage to process black paydirt for gold nuggets and gold flake. The Zen Garden also had a panning station set up with a large tub of water. Some even had a favorite gold pan. But there’s no substitute for a potent focus and high attention.
"To be human is a sanctification not possible in any other form. Human beings have the unique property of being potentially able to make the special conscious efforts necessary to help God." -- E.J. Gold
The above quote came to my attention recently. And this hot July has prompted my recollection of the workshop seven years ago -- Gold Fever -- that E.J. gave on gold panning.
He talked about turning your profession into a prayer wheel, harmonic matching, learning to tolerate infinity and eternity without fear and what it means to be in the waking state, among other things.
Within the context of the activity of gold panning, he explained how this outside manifestation can be used for work in the exalted planes. The physical activity of panning for gold and the attention applied to it -- just like coin searching in Coinology -- has a corresponding activity in the higher planes.
The question becomes, "How does one make that connection?" That's what we're here training for in so many different ways. But to look at some basic principles that make up the fertile environment for connection, I have identified a few below:
1) "Get over yourself" which means get over the need for recognition, appreciation, approval, acceptance, to be in control, to be comfortable, to be left alone -- basically to live in my perfect world.
2) Maintain a good attitude, including embracing the negative manifestations of a bunch of machines that have gone wild. A good attitude allows one to be in a space of receptivity with the ability to listen, learn and recognize creative solutions to situations.
3) Allow flow and merge with the flow of the Work, as I recognize it. Recognition may come with a feeling, sensing, a dream, a "hunch" and not necessarily from a mental idea, but I wouldn't rule it out.
4) Have one's habits set toward making the efforts to ascend to one's highest level of attention and presence possible for oneself in a given space and set of conditions.
5) Make being reliable and having an intentional regular practice high priorities in one's life. Discipline does pay off.
6) Develop the ability to "focus on your focus". That calls into play dedication, integrity and one's higher attention, in order to reveal or unveil the layers of obscuration so that the creative force can come into defined form.
7) Be open to contact. It starts with developing the skills of making contact with those beings walking around me in organic machines. And we have many practices for expanding that contact beyond the veil. After all, what is Objective Art?
You can add to this list and tailor it to your own inner language. The important action step I see is to manage my time in this lifetime toward implementing these skills. If I set my vehicle in motion with functional parameters like those above, and put myself under the law of necessity and under the guidance of a true guide, I will be utilized for higher work.
This is for sure something new for me and definitely a growth edge.
I have a question/invitation for you, the women in this community:
Would you be willing and available for an interview I need to do to complete an assignment?
The interview would take place sometime between now and the third week of August and would be in zoom. The general theme has to do with the true needs of women at this time in history and I am looking for volunteers.
This could be especially useful if you have been wanting to move forward with a project or vision you have for an area in your life, maybe even started actions towards creating it only to find yourself somehow not able to really more forward.
Please let me know if you are interested and available for this. The interview should take about 30-40 minutes.
You can let me know either using the IDHHB Conctact Page or via my facebook page, if we are facebook friends. It would be helpful if you mentioned "interview" as part of your response.
And now part of me feels a little like a kid wondering if Santa Claus is really gonna come.
PS. For those who already did an interview recently, this is part of the same project.
The picture is just for showing some of our cabbages. I know some of you will understand :)
Blessings to you
"We all need reminders on our spiritual path. One reminder or alarm clock that works today will probably not work tomorrow. Knowing that, it's good to have our Work Tool Kit full of exercises, phrases, quotes, prayers that we can use to keep focused, bringing the attention back to where it can be of use in a real way.
"The Popcorn Exercise, also called the adoration of the machine, is one which is pivotal to work efforts and one which I have recently rediscovered. As E.J. says below, it is the all-important first step upon which our Work journey begins. When successful, it gives the will necessary to be the master of the machine and use it as a transformational apparatus. We can do nothing until we complete this first step
"Here is the exercise:
"Use the attention of the head brain as usual, but now the subject of its attention should be exclusively on the moving activities and exterior workings of the machine. This observation should be refined to even the smallest detail, being certain not to alter the manifestations of the machine as a result of these observations.
"In these excerpts from the The Popcorn Talk, E.J. speaks to how that works;
"The mutual-reciprocal transference of the functions of the headbrain and tailbrain will be the first active step in our voluntary evolution. Before this intentional transference of upper brain and lower brain functions, we can do exactly nothing -- even the invocation of presence into the present -- because the headbrain is incapable of functions beyond the ordinary linear thought processes which we call 'associative-thinking.'
"The moving centrum is the strongest force. First, we must harness the moving centrum and force it to become the thinking centrum by taking all moving centrum activity away from it by following the machine's activity with the ordinary attention of the headbrain. Now, the headbrain has the force and the organic will necessary for real authority over the whole machine. This is the primitive first groanings of real will. Now we can be the same tomorrow as we are today, and soon we can throw away our cigarettes and really mean it!"
"During the repeating cycles of dream state, you live, you die, you live, you die... the same life over and over again, and during this process you -- the needle -- are stroked by a powerful magnet.
"Imperceptibly, a few million passes through, the change will begin to be perceptible.
"Although nothing changes in the film itself, your mood is different after each viewing." E.J. explained.
"Your attitude problem has been corrected through repeated exposure to the cleansing radiation, which we call life and death.
"Even the greatest Buddha eventually falls into the dream. The difference between a Buddha and an ordinary dreamer is that the Buddha is unaffected by the dream, whereas the ordinary dreamer is caught up in the dream, reacts to it and struggles against it.
"There are several stages to this process. First of all, you must stop struggling against the inevitability of the dream. That takes time and patience.
"Just let the dream be what it is. Don't mess with it. Mess with yourself instead; turn that attention on yourself.
"You are here because eternity is intolerable. If eternity were tolerable, you wouldn't be dreaming. The dream is obviously a reflex reaction to the overwhelming fact and presence of unchanging eternity; eternity which has no time flow; which won't end; which won't change; in which nothing will happen, nothing has happened and nothing is happening now. It just is. Now that's a pretty unconfrontable fact."
"You can't change what is, but..." he waited for us to finish the statement. "...You can learn to like it," we chorused.
"For starters, you cannot learn to like it if you still think you can change what is.
"You must first arrive at a point where you see the inevitability and the unchangeability; the adamantine quality of life . . . unbreakable, immovable stone.
"Only then can you learn to like it, because you won't trouble to learn to like it if you still think you can change it.
"What keeps you in the trap are your efforts to change the trap, rather than relax. Once you relax, the trap falls away.
"Everything is equidistant. Everything is everything else. It's all done with mirrors. There is no space, there is no time, there is no dimensionality. It's a single point with no dimension"
ToTM063, Why Are We Here? Part 1 -- Talk of The Month
Poetry Reading at the Cellar, by Gerald Porter
These are the Prosperity Poets’ improvisations using
the 10 “Mantras as Resonant Thought Forms”
– addressed to Self-Confidence
Presence, while “fitting” one's friend to a being,
once again among others invokes attention
to what one's doing in what appears
as repeated moments of “newness” . . .
with distinct needs to
improvise, adapt, and overcome appearances
while creatively learning to learn.
Movement thru Space -- I look Straight Ahead....
Knowing now I am not Dead!
Taking time to not waver
in the Local Storms,
I turn to one who Knows.
Confidence is given and I receive,
I am now a lot Braver then I have ever been!
A world of improv is a portal to mindfulness and magic
In the act of balancing we come alive
we develop tolerance for instability
we accept insecurity as the norm
we are reminded of impermanence and fragility
appreciate each imperfect
we can come to feel the power of the waves
I think of myself as shy and hesitant
where giant steps are concerned:
major projects exploring outside the box
entering an unknown room a strange village
a foreign city a cave in the mountains….
I tend to forget that I did travel to Greece
where I visited sacred temple sites
ate goat stew and giant Cretan snails
I dipped in the hot springs running to the sea
on Icaria drank too much ouzo and regretted it
I once climbed Mount Marcy in Northern New York
with a backpack and a pup tent a hike lasting
three days and two nights Early one morning
I looked over the source of the Hudson River around
five thousand feet high: Lake Tear-in-the-Clouds
Now when I remember those days I think:
What if I had broken a leg or met a black bear?
What if I fell in with thieves on the island of Crete?
Actually I was at least brash and maybe brave since
“Fools rush in where angels fear to tread”
The absurdity of everyday situations
has ceased to dazzle and amaze me.
If that isn't to your taste
you could join the revolution
or post your memes on social media
so all your so called “woke” friends can see
Or maybe you're old school
And want to beat a hasty retreat
to someplace past all human habitation
as long as you have wifi and a fridge.
Or maybe
you have no idea what you are doing
merely wandering the earth
with no particular reason for being here
and no particular place to go.
If so, let me know
I have a book and a bridge to sell you.
I think I know what's coming
but suddenly it changes to a dark unknown
but -
I've got this!
I fear the challenges that
now face me every day
but -
I've got this!
I look back, see where I've been,
where I've traveled, where I am
I've got this!
And I've had it all along.