Working for the liberation of all beings everywhere. Bringing higher consciousness to the planet, one eternal moment at a time.

July, 2022 Bardo Buzz (04-07)

"Let's define what you came here to this life, to this world, to accomplish. You came here to learn how to use the human biological machine for the transformation of the essential self toward its evolution as necessary to the Work in order that the essential self may fulfill a specific function within the Work."

~ E.J. Gold, from Conflict Management. (CDT119)

"I prefer the CD over the TOTM but, both are great." ~Yanesh

Little Alarm Clocks

~ Barbara Haynes

Through the years I have used words, phrases and events to help me remember to be present and pay attention. I think of them as little alarm clocks.

There are times on the clock that give me a sense of being in the flow. I'll look up at the clock and see that it is 11:11 or 12:34 or 4:44 or 6:54 – interesting combinations of numbers, and I smile – feeling grateful for the reminder to be present and pay attention - connected with the flow of experience.

There are moments when phrases pop into my head. “You can't change what is, but you can learn to like it.” A reminding phrase. Each time it comes to me I see different, deeper meanings as I find myself in a different mindset or circumstance. Always setting before me the opportunity to experience the phrase in a fresh light – pointing me in a new direction of attention and nudging me to remember myself and be present.

A close companion to the above quote is “It's not what's happening that is the problem, it is your reaction to it.” I've used this quote from E.J as a touchstone for many years. When I get myself in a loop of thoughts and reactions about any situation, I remind myself “It's not what's happening that is the problem, it is your reaction to it.” There's a moment of “Ah, yes,” and though the situation doesn't change, my relationship to it does begin to shift.

Over the years I have taken the little habits of my daily life and used them to help me remember myself and be present.

Check out the Talks of the Month listed below. I think you'll find them very useful in helping you set up little alarm clocks for yourself.

The Alarm Clock Talk CDT266

“One needs a mechanism to remind one to engage attention, wake up and apply bardo habits in a practical setting. In this talk, E.J. shows how an alarm clock within one's ordinary life can be devised toward this aim. "I've always liked the idea of an alarm clock for awakening, but until I heard this talk, I never knew exactly how they worked," Pedro Gonzales, Ibiza Spain

The Alarm Clock Fable and Other Tales CDT087

Tales told to a group by Lee Lozowick. Lee Lozowick states we are realized, enlightened beings -- the problem is we are asleep; we need to wake up.

Cleansing of the Soul

by E.J. Gold, June 24, 2012 Workshop

~ Excerpt by T. Jones

"Unlocking Postures are those devices that you can use for certain spaces, certain things. You use this at your altar space and then you will address the entity in the other dimension. You're going to actually start talking to yourself in the alternate world and have conversations with yourself in the alternate worlds as well.

"So, be aware that that's how that works. You're going to start establishing a connection, a friendship between yourself and your avatars in a variety of worlds. That will give you a bigger spiritual footprint and you'll also learn how to turn on the juice so that you get some serious results, so you can show those results and get moving onto the levels that you need to actually work in.

"I think, within 15 Remedies, you should have shown some definite life indicators. Life indications are indications of things that happen in your life that you can directly trace back to the activity that you are now engaged in -- the Extra Dimensional Activity, or EDA. Don't forget that. You're going to use that phrase 1000 times, so remember it, work with it.

"So you'll be doing these Unlocking Postures, what they are, but you have to transition properly or it's not going to work. I've said many times the key is in the transition. The postures are easy to learn. The transitions are a little harder to get from one posture to the next. Now, the postures are a means of encoding something. They're used the way that Hebrew letters would be used, for instance, in a motion Prayer. So, in motion Blessings, they'll use this kind of stuff.

"So there are two ways the Unlocking Postures work: One way is that they are actually letters, and two, that they carry an encoding device within them. But how they strap together is very important. That's the transition, so that you have postures and transitions that become the Movements, then you have the commonly called Afghani Rhythmics.

"We need to talk about the Unlocking Postures in terms of how they work relative to this, what you do. There are several elements. There's a triumvirate era, which is a combination of your Super Beacon and Matrix and your Ammie. Those three things are your primary elements. That's your triangle. Any Occultist will recognize what the triangle is and why it's there. It's a protective device. But it also is a device that turns on your space and makes your space visible to everything and everyone who wants to see it,

"Neville asked, 'What are the postures exactly unlocking?'"

"Claude responded, 'They're not unlocking, they're actually connecting, in a sense.'

"Every dimension that they're in, I'm in. Yes, that's true, but there's more to it than that. You notice we travel as a pact -- a PoG -- a Pack of Green. So, we'll all leave at about the same time. We come in about the same time, we all leave about the same time, within 10 or 20 years of each other.

"We're members of a team, that's why. You look at us as individuals out there. We're members of a single, organized unified team and we all have different appearances, everything, but the message is always the same. It's just how it's dressed up is different, but it's always the same. And there is no competition.

"A lot of people are not going to want to go higher. They're going to be very happy with the results they get and they'll be delighted. We're going to get people saying, "Oh, my life changed." That's terrific! And it's wonderful. I feel great that their life has changed, but, the ones who really want to work, who really want to go further with it, their lives have changed for the better.

"Two things will have happened: Number one, they'll demonstrate that the tool is connected and working. But secondly, coincidentally, and not that importantly, but it's useful, is that you will end up more prosperous. You'll have a little bit better situation. Just to demonstrate that the equipment is working, you'll end up where your life is actually improved in several ways. It's got to be at least 3 or 4 or 5 ways to satisfy me that you're making this work.

"My students at Cosmo Street didn't have Prosperity, the game, to go to, so they had to imagine what it would be like to operate a body of theirs in a different dimension, and that is a lot harder. That's what's called Ceremonial Magic, Ritual Magic, and so on. You're trying to actually visualize yourself. That's hard! And to keep that visualization process, that's years of work to keep the visualization process that strong. No. Just turn on your computer and go on and do it. You don't have to spend 20 years to learn the visualization process in order to do it. You just turn the thing on and there you are. You've just saved, thereby, 20 years of preparation until you can get to the point where you're here. You walk into it, wham, you're there the minute you do it. The minute you decide to run Prosperity, you can!"

Jazz Jam series on stage in 2005 at the International Association for Jazz Education (IAJE) Terrace Theater venue at their annual conference. Each of the 4 canvases by E.J. Gold is 6' x 10'. Individual titles from left to right: Jazz Jam III, Jazz Jam IV, Jazz Jam I, Jazz Jam II. The musicians performing on stage are The Airmen of Note, the premier jazz ensemble of the United States Air Force. Photograph by James Rodney.

Musings of a Labyrinth Reader

“My Vision Becomes Reality”

~ Marvette Kort

A powerful Gratitude Mantra that I work with is "My vision becomes reality." The word vision is defined as "my vision". "Becomes reality" I define as comes into manifestation, some form of actualization perceivable by others. "My vision" begins in the world of imagination and is empowered by my willingness to adopt an identity corresponding to it.

I have the vision of becoming a living artifact of the Work. Tall order, yes. But unravel what goes into becoming a vehicle for transmitting access to a work channel. How do I build strategies for this aim to become a reality? Working with a group is a viable component. Attaching my efforts to a higher necessity is another effective element of the equation. Ascertaining where to begin, what form to focus on, is a first step.

E.J., in his recent blogs, is pointing to the project of placing his high-end artwork, specifically JazzArt, into collections. The collections can be institutional with the added benefit of the artwork being on public display. (He actually outlines the method of implementation; the names and places are filled in with its actualization.)

He openly stated in the blog "At the End of the Rainbow", June 24, 2022, "I have the secret of imbuing paintings with Dissolving Radiations." ... "The longer someone stays in the presence of these works of Objective Art, the more effect it will produce. "

E.J.'s recent blogs look like an open invitation to becoming involved in the process of making available channels to the Work. And everyone involved in conveying the magic of JazzArt from whatever the perspective one has, will add to the efforts of "making it happen". What is "it"? The answer to that question is, "This art is meant to be exposed to as great a number of people as possible, as quickly as possible, to raise the general public consciousness level, far above the present catastrophic level of violence and superstition."

Working toward the aim of "making it happen" is one road to becoming a vehicle to transmit access to the Work.

Not sure how this sunflower got here, but I am keeping an eye on it,
providing water when needed.
May everyone get what they need this summer, or,
as the case may be for some, winter.

~ Christiane Wolters


Yes, you are the creator of your life.
Life isn't happening to you.
You are creating it. Right now!

~ Michele Marie

''This is where your study circle can serve you, by helping you, by catching you in certain manifestations and asking you to repeat them many many times if necessary. Striving for spontaneity, but this time a voluntary spontaneity, something which comes because you make the machine work. Otherwise, the machine is working for itself and you are involuntarily working for the machine.

"When you intentionally repeated that laugh, you directed the machine to laugh. The first time, the machine just laughed, but when you instructed the machine to smile, drop the smile, then bring the smile back and turn its head, you were using the machine, directing the machine to do what you wanted it to do. It wanted to go on to the next schtick, but you said, 'Sorry, I want you to wait a while before you can do your next bit; you are going to have to get this right to my satisfaction. Then you may carry on with your manifestations, but first you must do what I want you to do. I want you to do this again. No, I'm not satisfied yet. Do it again, please...'

"You become master of your own dance. You can't stop dancing, but you can be your own dance master. Now why? To control manifestations? To make the manifestations of the machine be the way you want them to be? Not at all. It is not control. What happens when you begin to involve yourself deliberately and consciously in the moment, with the manifestations of the machine? You begin to demand that the machine work and you take responsibility for its manifestations: you direct it to work again and again and again to your satisfaction.''

From the Talk of the Month Life as Theater.

"You are an immortal Being. Try to remember that as you go along." -- E.J. Gold

~ Jewel McInroy

One line poems put together by Prosperity Poets – In honor of Independence Day


Wait, weight! Why is there never time for a moment of Freedom?
Vision and fire, walking being the One I am, following in my footsteps
Surfing through the sea of feeling
I learn to see the heart's center
How can we harness the moon and the sun?

Resonate, Resonate, Go and State
Childlike, Womanlike, growing and learning
Riding the winds that blow through time
I hear the heartbeat of the many beating as one
Time grinds and the answers are lost in the in-betweens

Too Fast, Too Slow, Too Much, Too Few, Too Me, Too You
Toward a good September, any month will do, not attached singly to anything---
Wind chimes on the porch are mixing with the awakening bell
Running with the ghosts that surround me
I catch my breath and exhale songs of love

~ Myra Ravenwolf, Llara34, Loralilah, Agenbite

From Nishiet Gajjar

"A guru should be used to find the path and stay on it, to further one’s work, not as a crutch upon which to depend. You are a powerful spiritual being. It’s time to accept that and take it as a personal charge to get to work."
-E.J. Gold.